19 June 2006


New York Magazine's "The Urban Etiquette Handbook" is a great guide to not pissing people off. The subway etiquette rules should be printed up and handed out at the gates of all incoming flights from Wisconsin and Iowa. Amy Poehler and David Cross contribute.

I pulled a muscle or something in my side while getting a gallon jug of water out of the fridge. That can't be good.

A few more facts about my first day at the new job:
-Of 9 women (and they were all women), I was the only one without children.
-I was the only person to bring a lunch from home.
-When I began to eat my Clif nectar bar (delicious BTW), a girl asked me "WHAT are you eating?"
-I was the only one who brought a book to read during lunch.
-Exactly 1.68 non-lunch hours were spent chit-chatting about kids, divorce, custody battles and child support, infertility clinics, trying to become pregnant, personal stories of unfit mothers and other borderline inappropriate (not to mention completely uncomfortable) workplace conversation topics.
-Again, everyone was very nice, if strangely open with complete strangers.
-I managed to stay awake all day after less than four hours of sleep last night.
-I am beat and I am going to bed now.


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