14 June 2006

NASA better get cracking on that whole colonizing Mars thing

If it's not one thing, it's another (that has got to be the most inane phrase ever).

Do you realize the kind of threats our country and planet face every day? Do you?

So the west coast is completely unsafe. First, an earthquake in the Cascadia Subduction Zone just off the coast could happen anytime, triggering a giant tsunami. THEN there is the "supervolcano" that lies under 450 square kilometers of Yellowstone National Park. But get this - if it were to erupt, it would cover 3/4 of the US in ash - only the east coast would be safe. What part of "super" and "450 square kilometers" did you not understand? Oh and it would alter the earth's climate so dramatically as to cause famine the world over.

The areas that would not be directly affected by the volcano? Well, it's another. Hurricanes are always a looming threat.

Thinking about heading to the north pole? OH YEAH, at any moment an asteroid could strike the earth, and there's no telling where that thing's gonna land. So it won't matter where you run, you're still royally fucked.

So I may as well just kill myself now. It would surely be better than living in this constant fear.

Or I should think about turning off these sick shows, peddling fear to poor ignorant fools such as myself. Yep, no more History and Discovery channel for me. All those scientists with their "research" can go shove it. I'm going back to my Lifetime.

Until I become obsessively frightened of becoming fifteen and pregnant, gang raped in an alley after my shift at the highway diner, or the oblivious bride of a pedophile.


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