more work fun
Yesterday I worked on an account on Cooter Neck Road in Cleburne County, AR. It's so backwoods that they have to give directions to the location. (Speaking of, in anyone else's state, is there an option on voter registration to draw a map to your home?)
I overheard the lady in the cubicle next to me call "The Disabled Veterinarians of Oklahoma." She, of course, meant the Disabled Veterans of Oklahoma. To make this even better, I hear her say "I'm so sorry, ma'am" before she says goodbye, and then she tells me that the man she asked to speak with was dead.
Today we got a two hour lunch because of a picnic, complete with dunk tank, water balloons and water guns.
OH, so I need to report back on The Compliments Project 2006. Here's how it went down:
It went down, dowwwwn. I don't understand why people are so resistant to my attempts at being friends! Take this example: not one person accepted my offer last week to share some PB&J sandwiches in the break room during lunch. I even brought milk! I was so embarassed by the low turnout (of one, me) that I went and sat in a bathroom stall and ate 15 tear-soaked PB&J sandwiches, drowning my sorrows in 2 gallons of whole milk.
I unfortunately chose the busier of the two bathrooms, and at least a dozen people passed through and witnessed my shame.
Yesterday I was once more spurned by my coworkers. I told 43 people "you look nice today" and what do I get? Eye-rolling, "you can give it a rest", "yeah yeah yeah 'I look nice today'" and many confused looks. And! Before I could get to the last department my manager comes over and tells me I need to get back to work!
If that's what you get for trying to be nice to people, I give up!
Oh, no I don't. How can I with this as my inspiration? :) :) :) :) :) :)
I overheard the lady in the cubicle next to me call "The Disabled Veterinarians of Oklahoma." She, of course, meant the Disabled Veterans of Oklahoma. To make this even better, I hear her say "I'm so sorry, ma'am" before she says goodbye, and then she tells me that the man she asked to speak with was dead.
Today we got a two hour lunch because of a picnic, complete with dunk tank, water balloons and water guns.
OH, so I need to report back on The Compliments Project 2006. Here's how it went down:
It went down, dowwwwn. I don't understand why people are so resistant to my attempts at being friends! Take this example: not one person accepted my offer last week to share some PB&J sandwiches in the break room during lunch. I even brought milk! I was so embarassed by the low turnout (of one, me) that I went and sat in a bathroom stall and ate 15 tear-soaked PB&J sandwiches, drowning my sorrows in 2 gallons of whole milk.
I unfortunately chose the busier of the two bathrooms, and at least a dozen people passed through and witnessed my shame.
Yesterday I was once more spurned by my coworkers. I told 43 people "you look nice today" and what do I get? Eye-rolling, "you can give it a rest", "yeah yeah yeah 'I look nice today'" and many confused looks. And! Before I could get to the last department my manager comes over and tells me I need to get back to work!
If that's what you get for trying to be nice to people, I give up!
Oh, no I don't. How can I with this as my inspiration? :) :) :) :) :) :)

Of all the supple and delightful parts on a cooter, why choose the neck? Why? I want the whole story.
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