24 May 2006

so much blogging action you can hardly stand it! and: i overuse and abuse parenthesis

I can't believe how much I have written since I started my blog.... seven days ago. Ah, memories. Remember the time I blogged for a really long time about TV? Yeah, me too. And the time I wrote about my dorky dad because he's funny and he doesn't realize it? Yeahhhhhhh. And then there was that time I blogged about the MacBook, six hours ago? Yeah, I liked that one too.

I just took a couple Benadryl and expect to feel the effects soon. I want to go to sleep now because I'm hoping to be out of bed by noon tomorrow... you don't wanna know how late I've been sleeping lately. You would be extremely jealous, but not really, because I can only sleep as late as I want because I'm currently unemployed and broker than you can even imagine.

Oh shit, if I went to bed now, noon would mean eight hours of sleep... I took TWO Benadryl. Well, let's hope for 4 o'clock.

Fun story about me + Benadryl...

Once, while in Nebraska visiting my dad's grandparents on their farm (plus another grandma in the town of Orchard, population 200-something) when I was a teenager, I got all kinds of crazy mosquito bites. And when a mosquito (or spider*, or really anything that bites for that matter) bites me, my body goes nuts. I swell up really badly and it's painful and itchy and generally a very irritating situation. So I'd been taking Benadryl to alleviate my discomfort. With regular use over a number of days, this shit builds up in your body, and so, I give to you, My Benadryl Experience:

One morning a few days into the trip, I take a (1) Benny, so I won't be fighting the urge to shoot myself in the head all day. We go to church for a service, and over the course of the.... service, I become extremely drowsy. To the extent that I can barely keep my eyes open and I feel I may cry if I don't get to sleep soon. I keep asking my mother if I can go out to the car to lie down, and every time she tells me "no." I am nearing a nervous breakdown by the time the thing is over.

My mother, father, brother and I get into the car and dad starts driving us to his grandma's house in town; the church is just outside of town and it would be maybe a five minute drive. I am luxuriating in the sensation of a cushioned seat and being allowed to shut my eyes, when a wasp decides to join us.

"Hey, where you guys goin? Grandma's house? Cool, me too. Can I just ride with you? My wings are tired."

Well, I see the wasp and begin to freak out. Asking, begging my father to pull the car over. I have a phobia of stinging things (things that bite don't scare me, but they sure as hell piss me off) and needles. (When being handled carelessly. I'm not scared of getting shots, but now that I think about it, have I ever been around someone just waving around a needle? It's the thought of it that terrifies me.)

So I am going crazy. I am sobbing. I am pulling on the door handle, and I really think that I would have jumped from the moving vehicle had the doors not been unable to unlock while the car is driving. Does my father pull over? No. It takes a few more blocks of his delirious, exhausted daughter screaming and crying in the back seat for him to decide to pull the car over and let her escape from her Taurus prison.

I get out of the car and my mom and dad speed off, leaving my brother and I in the dust. (Literally, dirt roads, you think they pave in a town of 200-something?) He walks with me the rest of the way to grandma's house. My sweet brother, always there for big sister.

Actually, I think he was a little scared of the evil stinging thing too. He's really quite the asshole.

*One time, when I was a kid, a spider bit me on the inside of my thigh, and within a day I had a welt stretching up and down the inside of my leg. Definitely over a foot. I wish we'd measured the thing, cause I'd like to know the total area. It was impressive.


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